Hey everyone and welcome back to my Self-Improvement Blog!
Health: Physical Detox Routine
Easter just passed and left most of us with a lot of toxins and side effects of unhealthy lifestyle during the last days. This state is really applicable after the most common holidays, summer vacations, post partying hangovers and excessive periods of unhealthy habits due to stress, work etc.
Enjoying ourselves once a while isn't necessarily bad but it certainly requires a healthy routine right after, to detoxinate the body, form the best possible conditions for it to recover and boost our health inside out. If you had some wild days, you want to get rid of the toxins and some extra pounds or/and refresh yourself while preparing for a special occassion, keep reading.
Those of you who follow me on Instagram already know that I consume as clean food as possible most of the times so I usually don't feel like "urging" to remove the unhealthiness from my body. However, the last week I overdid it with traditional candies and cakes as well as the excessive amount of food combined with an increase of spare "treats" in my diet (snacks i didn't really plan to consume but shit happened - who can say no to surprise donuts?) so I got a souvenir of 3-4 pounds! I don't regret it as i enjoyed these meals a lot ( Snorlax calling muahahah ) but I am a warm supporter of healthy lifestyle and self improvement, feeling the need to jump back into the healthier, leaner and brighter version of myself. Consuming clean food also improves the quality of hair, skin, nails, refills the organism with healthy fuel and tons of energy, having also a significant impact to our mental state and brain activity.
What I personally follow (and suggest) is combining an internal and external body detox to achieve the maximum amount of purification and refreshment. This article develops the routine for internal detoxination whereas here you can find the external beauty detox routine.
Let's write down a few simple yet important things I use to detox myself the day after.
(If It's an excessive period you've been under unhealthy habits add these to your daily routine for at least 3-4 weeks).
Right after opening my eyes, I make a strong detox mixture of some baking soda and fresh lemon juice in a glass of lukewarm water. During summer you can use cold water with lemon and spearmint or other wonderful alternatives. Be careful with the proportions, for 300mL of water i use half tbsp. of baking soda and just squeeze some lemon.
Next step is a healthy, clean and nutritious breakfast including all the necessary vitamins, protein and healthy carbs you need to start your day. I usually accompany it with a nice smoothie or fresh juice it it doesn't already contain fruits or I consume a cup of verbena tea (It's hyper fat burning if you consume it daily) or a cup of unsweetened filtered coffee with 1/2 tbsp. of cinnamon (fat burning as well).
Oh yes, here I'll be cliché again and spam how important it is to exercise regularly (not only during detox periods) as it should be a part of your general lifestyle. If you're an active person you can increase your workout routines adding 10-15' of extra cardio 3 (or more) times per week but I completely understand that not everyone has the time to hit the gym everyday so 15 minutes of DAILY stretching and some simple exercises performed indoors or outdoors can play a key-role to reclaim your physique and get all the benefits for your body. So..... NO EXCUSES!!!!
Tip: If I'm not having a gym session (i usually train in the afternoon) I LOVE having workouts at home or outdoors (the increasingly warm weather also supports this) in the morning. It helps the body wake up, prepares you mentally for a productive day and increases a bunch of hormones that keep you active and happy. In case you're having morning shifts at work, wake up 15 minutes earlier and give yourself the opportunity to benefit from this habit, it worth the "sacrifice" all the way.
WATER MANIAC (She's a maaaaniac, maaaaniac🎶)
Be a water maniac. You need a lot of it not just to stay hydrated but also to help your organism digest better and remove efficiently anything that is not useful. Set a target of consuming 1L more than the daily needs of your body. If you struggle drinking water, try using bottles so you can measure the exact amount you drink and find alternatives to make it more appealing. Water with strawberry and lemon slices, water with cucumber, the options are so many.
KEEPER OF THE SEVEN TREATS (Metalhead readers will laugh a little- Salute to you!)
Stay away from: External Sugar, Anything made of white flour, Energy and Soda drinks, Sweets, Junk Food, Packed Industrial Snacks/Juice AAAAAAND Alcohol . Use a friend as a keeper If you can't resist!
Increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, protein, whole wheat products and vitamin/mineral sources you consume. You can find a more detailed description of it accompanied with a lot of tips Here.
Fixing your sleeping schedule is an A-priority for your body as it needs specific timetable and a lot of rest to function at its finest.
Go for 7-8 hours of high quality sleep at a specific time everyday. Personally this is my enormous struggle but I guarantee that right by achieving this you won an epic battle and you'll be able to observe the rewarding results instantly.
Make a research, get inspired, explore the world and new experiences, set new goals and organize your day/targets/a trip/whatever. Nothing compares to the refreshing feeling you get and the energy it provides.
I made a detailed presentation of my personal routine for you, here.
No I'm not kidding. You're breathing every few seconds automatically but 1) the quality of air you absorb and 2) the frequency of your breath intake can have a strong impact on your health and body function. Make sure you're breathing fresh air, visit places with clear atmosphere as often as you can, If you're at work use the 15 minute break you have to get out of the building, walk a little (improves your blood circulation), benefit from the sun exposure and breathe fresh air. Also controlling your breath during stress, panic attacks or right before sleep, and increasingly slow it down will naturally relax your body and mind.
That's it guys! Hope you're making the Start for a healthier, happier and brighter Era today. Remove anything toxic from your life (physically and mentally), put on your widest, sincere smile and enjoy your life!
Thank you for your visit and I hope to catch you back soon. Feel free to send a word, share my blog and follow me on social media. Your requests/feedback/questions and thoughts are always very welcome. Have a wonderful and productive week!
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