Today I am sharing with you a very hot lowerbody workout i crushed and enjoyed to the moon and back. Note that the following routine needs quite precise execution and proper form in order to preserve your safety and get the most out of your workout. Perform the exercises slowly and under full control to crush those muscle fibers and feel the burn.
Note: This is a very advanced routine. Do not go for this level if you are a beginner or moderate athlete. Go for half the number of the sets on the basic workout and gradually work your way up.
*Also you might want to check out another glute routine i posted, here*
Note2: Choose a weight that is challenging for you but still in your comfort range in order to make it through ALL THESE SETS.
Note3: Have a GOOD preworkout meal and a lot of water/isotonic intra workout drink. This workout is going to explode your brain out.
Let's begin:
Warm up: I went for a 20 minute walk to the gym - preworkout
Muscle activation:
Bodyweight side kicks (1x15/side)
Resistance bands side kicks (1x15/side)
Bodyweight lunges (1x10/side)
Bodyweight Squats - regular leg position(2x10)
Bodyweight Glute extensions (2x8/side)
Romanian Deadlifts (4x8)
Sumo Deadlifts (4x8)
Stiff Legged Deadlifts (3x8)
Regular kettle ball squats (4x8)
Sumo kettle ball squats (4x8)
Plie squats (3x8)
Legpress: Glute focus (position your heels higher and put the stress there) 4x8
Quad focus (position your heels lower and put the stress across the entire foot) 4x8
Leg curls: 4x8
Leg extentions: 4x8
Bodyweight glute bridges: 2x8
Single leg glute bridge: 2x8/side
Very heavy dumbbell calf raises: 1x15
Heavy ab curls: 60reps
Static Stretching: (click here to find out why and how to do it correctly)
That was it guys for today! If you give it a shot hit me with your feedback on the training and also the post training feelings. Hope you enjoyed :D Stay tuned for more updates and feel free to contact me through the info below for any question or request you may have!
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Keywords: #fitness #fit #workout #glutes #motivation #inspiration #gym #gymlife #personaltrainer #coach #legs #bodybuilding #weightloss #trainer #fatburn #advanced #athlete #legs #legday