Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Fitness: Workouts: Leg/Glute day bomb

Hello fellow warriors and welcome back to my blog.

Today I am sharing with you a very hot lowerbody workout i crushed and enjoyed to the moon and back. Note that the following routine needs quite precise execution and proper form in order to preserve your safety and get the most out of your workout. Perform the exercises slowly and under full control to crush those muscle fibers and feel the burn.

Note: This is a very advanced routine. Do not go for this level if you are a beginner or moderate athlete. Go for half the number of the sets on the basic workout and gradually work your way up.

*Also you might want to check out another glute routine i posted, here*

Note2: Choose a weight that is challenging for you but still in your comfort range in order to make it through ALL THESE SETS.

Note3: Have a GOOD preworkout meal and a lot of water/isotonic intra workout drink. This workout is going to explode your brain out.

Let's begin:

Warm up: I went for a 20 minute walk to the gym - preworkout

Muscle activation:
Bodyweight side kicks (1x15/side)
Resistance bands side kicks (1x15/side)
Bodyweight lunges (1x10/side)
Bodyweight Squats - regular leg position(2x10)
Bodyweight Glute extensions (2x8/side)

Romanian Deadlifts (4x8)
Sumo Deadlifts (4x8)
Stiff Legged Deadlifts (3x8)
Regular kettle ball squats (4x8)
Sumo kettle ball squats (4x8)
Plie squats (3x8)
Legpress: Glute focus (position your heels higher and put the stress there) 4x8
                 Quad focus (position your heels lower and put the stress across the entire foot) 4x8
Leg curls: 4x8
Leg extentions: 4x8
Bodyweight glute bridges: 2x8
Single leg glute bridge: 2x8/side
Very heavy dumbbell calf raises: 1x15

Heavy ab curls: 60reps
Static Stretching: (click here to find out why and how to do it correctly)

That was it guys for today! If you give it a shot hit me with your feedback on the training and also the post training feelings. Hope you enjoyed :D Stay tuned for more updates and feel free to contact me through the info below for any question or request you may have!


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Thursday, 22 August 2019

Fitness: Nutrition: RICE CAKE HACK

Fitness: Nutrition: RICE CAKE  HACKS

Today I am gonna share with you one of the most helpful tricks i apply in regards to rice cakes on my diet. First of all, why rice cakes at the first place?

(I am the happiest when I am next to food)
  • Rich in fiber
  • Sugar free (extra important for weightloss/cutting periods)
  • Lightweight - easy to carry
  • Low calories in big volume which allows yout to consume larger quantity 
  • Neutral taste 
This last one bullet hides the secret of my hack. Neutral taste means that you can combine it pretty much with everything and still get a decent result texture and flavor wise. 

Of course, rice cakes are low calorie but their toppings (exactly because they can be anything) might increase the caloric intake rapidly and hence should be taken under consideration when you are snacking on rice cakes. Peanut butter and jelly sound ideal but launch the calories (and sugar) per waffle so it can be a bummer if you are trying to reach satiation through this snack. On the other hand, many people go for savoury versions with cheese and bacon or other highfat options (ex. avocado WITH salmon AND cheese) to bring that spice on. Guess what, bummer again.

So what can you do to enjoy still large quantity of rice cakes but also stay on track with your calories and macros? Is it possible to have alternative flavors without overdoing it? Y E S. 

How? There you go:

Especially in days that I am extra hungry and i want to squeeze a low calorie snack, I choose rice cakes with cottage cheese, as it is FULL of protein with relatively low calories itself too. But it is boring as a single topping. What I do, is small low to no-calorie adjustments to turn it either sweet or savoury and satisfy my cravings and hunger. Here is an example of a snack I consumed recently:

My picture. All copyrights reserved.

Savoury cakes: Cottage cheese + curry + paprika (or pizza seasoning)
                             Cottage cheese + black pepper + olives (to enhance the taste and bring saltiness)
Sweet cake:      Cottage cheese + 1/3 tsp honey + cinnamon + 5gr nuts and raisins

So do you see the trick? Instead of adding the entire food with the spice you crave, you isolate it and add the flavor right away, without the calories of the extra topping (like bacon, cheese, sauce or extra salt). In the sweet waffle, the caloric addition is minimal but the texture and flavors are upgraded. 

Consequently you can have 2 or 3 extra cakes with the combo(s) of your choice without getting too much out of your plan but still enjoy your snack and feel satiated.

Other low calorie toppings to experiment with: 
  • spices, 
  • cucumber, 
  • cabbage, 
  • yogurt, 
  • raisins, 
  • pickles, 
  • grapes, 
  • mushrooms, 
  • boiled eggwhites, 
  • boiled turkey/chicken slices, 
  • strawberries (and further berry family), 
  • pesto sauce, 
  • [shredded tomato with basil, oregano, salt, pepper, garlic] or 
  • 1tsp peanut butter with bitter cocoa powder as substitution to choco spreads with way less sugar .

That's it for today! I hope this hack will work for you, as for me, it has worked WONDERS and made my cutting periods way less miserable. Feel free to share it with your friends and follow me on social media to stay updated for more upcoming content.
Take care and keep smiling!


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Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Motivation: The mindset of a warrior

Motivation: The mindset of a warrior

Maximum shredded, summer 2019
All copyrights reserved.
What most people don't realise is that a well trained strong body is far more than a tight arrangement of bone and flesh. To those people, the beauty stops on the surface because they are absolutely unaware of what it really takes to get there and all the mental evolution that comes together.

The most important trait, common among the people who met success but stayed humble, caring, polite and sensitive, is the mindset of a warrior.

A warrior has known immense pain, failure, discomfort but kept going. A warrior has won the ultimate battle with himself and learned to support his vision when everything around is falling apart. A warrior has gone through fire and flames before he managed to understand that discipline, loyalty, commitment, honesty, persistence, isolation, independence, self motivation, research and struggle are not his enemy but his best friends to grow and meet success.

A warrior has learned to love himself when his initial insecurities and environment give him a thousand reasons not to. A warrior chose to keep going a step further after any obstacle dropped him down. In order to be a warrior, one made sacrifices, changed himself and reshaped his reality in order to be entirely in charge and responsible for his own self. .

A warrior knows only true, pure and everlasting love for himself, his people and his goals. And hence a warrior can not survive in a cage nor among people who choose to be the sheep instead of wolf. A warrior knows that being strong doesn't mean turning his heart stone cold but instead keeping it pure and gentle while fighting hard as an iron. .

A warrior stays true to himself, his path & morals. A warrior will choose hard work and growth over the easy fix. A warrior will recognize another warrior because when everyone else sees nicely arranged flesh, he'll be able to see the mindset behind that and instantly connect. .

A warrior among other warriors will feel empowered, understood and celebrated, enlightened, inspired and peaceful. He will feel challenged to progress and not to compete for ego but to evolve for himself. That is why he will never be able to settle for less.

That is why scars, failures and struggles have to be worn as trophies of persistence and hardwork. The greatest pride a warrior can have, is the effort, passion and dedication he put in, that is what makes a winner on the finishing line, whereas all the others cracked on obstacles and remained there.

Be a warrior. Win your own battle. Be the king of your own world.

"When you go through hardships and you decide not to surrender, that is strength."
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Thank you for checking back here. Feel free to share the vibe around.
 For any questions/ post requests/ feedback/ collaborations and communication, feel free to use my contact information below.
Keep thriving, keep believing in yourself, keep fighting for excellence in life.


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