Sunday, 24 November 2019

Fitness: Workouts: Tricep and forearm BLAST

Hello fellow gymrats!

Arms are obviously the most popular training bodypart (especially among men) and most people do actively work on them consistently for volume and strength. Although arms get primary or secondary stimulation through arm/fullbody/upper and lower body training, frequently people focus way too much on bicep isolation instead of equally targeting all the subgroups.

The impact gets even more noticeable on intermediate sportsmen as the size and definition of biceps, shoulders or delts take over, leaving the triceps and forearms underdeveloped on performance and aesthetic. This is a matter concerning women equally, especially if you go after a firm toned result and yet you don't meet the expectations you initially had.

Out of my personal experience as an athlete, I was not genetically gifted with naturally defined arms
nor my bodytype was favourable for significant size, therefore I had to put twice as much effort to grow them, compared to any other part of my physique. The turning point for me (and most of my clients with similar concerns) was an extra isolation session on triceps and forearms. Forearms especially seem to be the upper body part most people skip (I will never understand why) but it is also the one that completes the whole image, complimenting the performance, symmetry and growth of arms. Needless to say that i personally find well developed forearms dangerously attractive, but this is a whole other story.

To keep it short, today I am sharing with you one of my favourite and most effective workouts on tricep and forearm sessions. Make sure to swipe on the gallery below for more pictures, supplementing the training regime:

Only Some parts (insta limits to 10 pics/post) of my training earlier today.🔥 Prepare yourself for a lot of sets and different exercises.

➡️ Warmed up with some outdoor cardio and good dynamic stretch.

➡️Activated my muscles with some diamond pushups

➡️Then jumped into my main workout.

On the gallery above, you can see some of the exercises I performed.

✔Heavy farmer walks
✔Rope Tricep Pushdown
✔Bench tricep dips
✔Front grip wrist curls
✔Plate rotations
Captain locks

✔Tricep extensions
✔Assisted tricep dips
✔Tricep plate rows

✔Captain locks

➡️There were additionally:

✔overhead tricep extensions
✔reverse grip wrist barbell curls
✔behind back wrist barbell curls
✔pinch plate curls
✔a lot of ab work and a new PR 

That's it for today guys! Go give yourself a glorious burn and let me know your thoughts and comments! Stay tuned for more content coming your way soon. Until then, don't forget to follow me on social media and keep an eye on my Fitness Coaching Instagram Account (links below) for daily dose on nutrition and training. For personal training and online fitness coaching do not hesitate to reach out through the contact information at the end of the page. Have a productive and kickass day!
Keep grinding!


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Saturday, 9 November 2019

Motivation: Phoenix

Picture from my latest self project "Life of a warrior" ~ All rights reserved. 2019

Happy moments in life are a rewarding blessing. Hard moments are the teachers. They take us through the (sometimes painful) truth we need to realize in order to understand that it is necessary to let some sides die in order to be reborn again. And that is okay. 

Because no star arouse without a bit of chaos and you are the universe itself in ecstatic motion. You need that super nova to transform and elevate.☄

 Don't be afraid to enter that dance because you need it to seize the potential of your glorious existence. You are strong enough to pull it off, all you need is to believe, take a deep breath and dive into the ocean of cleanse, challenge and healing.🌊

 Then, you are gonna take your first breath at the surface, as the magical Phoenix you are. 🔥

Do you recall how many times you have struggled but you made it work out? How many times things fell apart but you chose to rise nevertheless? It was not a miracle nor something that just happened.

 It was the warrior within that fought and won.

 Give yourself those credits and empower your spirit because you have been stronger than anything you have encountered before and that should give you courage and hope in every challenge you're gonna face ahead. 

Trust yourself and keep going, because you will rise up once again🖤🙏

Hardships will come and go in life, but always remember that you are the captain. CHOOSE to extract wisdom out of them, let your spirit roam free and dream of everything you want to be. Tune in this frequency and start constracting an environment that serves this purpose. You will be surprised from how life changes when you invest all your energy not on fighting the past but on building the future while learning to enjoy the present.

Take a step and ask yourself: Do you see repeatition in outcomes that make you disatisfied? Chances are that all of them arise from the same root. Spot the patterns that made you sick, unhappy, unsuccessful, unmotivated and break them, no matter how uncomfortable it might be at the beginning.

The fact that you got used to some certain ways of thinking and acting in order to survive, doesn't mean that it is the best for you nor that it serves the person you are today and the one you want to become tomorrow. And that is okay. Life flows, circumstances change and so do (and should) we. We are meant to grow and involve. Don't disrupt this process, embrace it and consciously enhance it. Of course this will not happen overnight, it needs time, persistence, patience and effort. But prior to that, you need to DECIDE to do it, truly, sincerely and consciously. And that my dear, happens in one moment. 

The moment you DECIDE to take your life in your own hands, is the first day of your whole new self. A new life painted with your own colours. Celebrate it, commit to it, put your passion and vivid hues in it. Distance yourself from anything that dims your bright light, be the starlight in those hopeless nights, be the rainbow in the rainy days, and I assure you, the sunshine will be so bright. Believe, dare and be reborn. Just like a Phoenix.

Thank you for checking up here but before you go, I want to share with you a song, sent to me by one of my favourite people out there. It is called "Phoenix" and is pretty accurate and symbolic. If you made it through this point, chances are that the lyrics will ressonate a lot and talk to your soul, the same way they touched mine. Enjoy


What are you willing to lose?
You cover your wounds, but underneath them
A million voices in your head that whisper, "Stop, now"

Another twist of the knife, turn of the screws
It's all in your mind and it's fighting you

Arm yourself, a storm is coming
Well, kid, what you gonna do now?
It's your reflection looking back to pull you down

So are you gonna die today or make it out alive?
You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly
Fly, phoenix, fly

It's time for a new empire
Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling
Phoenix, fly

And now you're playing with matches

Come out of the ashes underneath you
A million voices in the crowd they're screaming, "Stop, now"

We'll let 'em swallow their pride, you're turning the tide to true believers
Got them in the palm of your hand, you're playing God now
What you gonna do now?
It's your reflection looking back to pull you down

So are you gonna die today or make it out alive?
You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly
Fly, phoenix, fly
It's time for a new empire

Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling
Phoenix, fly


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