Wednesday 15 January 2020

Fitness: Workouts: Core and Abs ON FIRE [Advanced]

"New year, same unstoppable work ethic, better me " is the New Year's motto, against all the people who wait for a particular moment once a year to make the change happen, only to drop the towel and wait for next new year's to get back at it. We don't do that here.

We are a team, we progress side by side, obstacles will always be on the way but supporting, influencing and empowering each other keeps us going no matter what happens internally or externally.

The best way to celebrate this motto, is a core and abdominal workout, which is quite symbolical, because I frequently observe that people completely neglect the importance of core training in their regime. You can either set particular core-focus days or implement some core and ab exercises in almost every workout you do since the majority of compound exercises activates the core anyways. Core training will never be a waste of time since a strong core improves your performance, prevents you from injuries due to poor form or heavy load and contributes to a healthy posture (aka no back pain).

By doing what most people avoid, you get what most people don't have. That is a key-mindset point for me and that's the reason i love working on all those 'extras' in my life, in and out of the gym. If you strive for excellence too, follow me at @irina_lainen_arvoitus if you haven't already, and let's set that core on fire!

Image source: fitnessforfunctioncincy

Make sure to warm up, perform some dynamic core stretch and follow the exercise sequence below. I aimed for 3sets/side in most exercises on a rep range 15-25 for weighted and bodyweight exercises respectively. Find a challenging weight for you to make out the most but make sure to remain at a load that you can have full control of your motion. Have fun ❤

✅Cable oblique rotations
✅Heavy cable side bends
✅Plank work (conventional, side, side+rotations)
✅Side crunches
✅Crunches with plate
✅Crunch rotations with plate
✅L sits, V sits
✅Reverse crunches
✅Swiss ball sit ups
✅Ab wheel
➡️Added a few sets of chest, lower back and shoulder conditioning
➡️Stretched a lot, especially my lower body area (which I worked last night)

That's all folks! Stay tuned for more Self Improvement content coming your way ^_^ Till then, feel free to use the contact information below to reach out, say hi, share your journey and make your questions/requests. 
Happy Gainful 2020!💪


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