Saturday, 22 February 2020

Fitness: Workouts: Lower body maintainance workout

Welcome back and welcome to one more workout article.

Today I am sharing with you a Lower Body workout I had tonight, for my maintainance/deload day. Note that you can have this workout as your main high intensity one by shifting to heavier weights and shorter resting periods so everything is relative and depends on the training volume and your training level. What can be maintainance for me, can be a heavy day for someone and so on.

I recommend appropriate warm up and muscle activation (you can have some sets of banded and bodyweight exercises and dynamic stretch as long as post workout static streatch and foam rolling. For more information regarding stretch types review my relevant article,

Let's jump into the main core:

✅5x5 stiff leg deadlifts
✅5x5 sumo deadlifts

✅5x15 glute focused leg press
✅5x15 quad focused leg press

✅5x12 leg extension
✅5x10 seated leg curls

✅2x50 banded hip abductions
✅3x12 banded glute bridges
✅3x12 glute/hammie focused back extension
✅2x50 bodyweight calf raises

You're all set now! Give it a shot and embrace the gains! Till next update make sure to stay tuned on my Fitness Coaching accounts on Instagram and Facebook to benefit from daily useful content!
Feel free to snap your messages, questions and feedback through my contact info below.
Rock on! Have a gainful and motivational weekend you all!


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Thursday, 20 February 2020

Fitness: Nutrition: Low carb Lean Meat Stew (recipe+macros)

Hey back foodies!

If you're looking for an easy way to enjoy a very delicious dish, rich in protein and fiber and low in carbohydrates, today you're gonna have a blast.

I prepared for you a Low carb Lean Meat Stew with delicious and nutritious ingredients that is also meal prep friendly as it gives 2 or 3 very satiating servings. All you need is a pan and 20minutes.
(Macronutrient information at the bottom)

Let's jump in the recipe itself:

📍Ingredients for 2-3 portions:

✔Lean minced meat (5% fat) -600gr
✔100g chopped mushrooms
✔1/2 white onion
✔1/2 red bell pepper
✔20g kidney beans
✔400g shredded tomato.
☑ salt, pepper, garlic, turmeric, chilli, cinnamon, parsley. 


Add the minced meat and onion in a hot pan with 1 tbsp of oil and stir until the meat turns brownish (5-10minutes). Then add all the ingredients (except from tomatoes) along with the seasoning and cook for around 10minutes. If the stew is too dry, add 1 cup of water. Lastly, pour in the shredded tomatoes, stir consistently and let it boil for 5minutes until most of the fluid evaporates.


  • Serve with fresh green salad
  • Serve with a tbsp of yoghurt, cottage cheese or sour cream to balance out the spice intensity and make it more digestion-friendly

I also did the macros calculation for you, to help you track down your diet.

📍Macros per portion for 3 servings/for 2 servings split:

✅Protein: 38,6g / 58g
✅Carbs: 10,8g / 16,3g
✅Fiber: 3,3g / 5g
✅Fats: 8,7g / 13,1g
✅Calories: 280kcal / 421kcal

That's it f00dies! Easy peasy. Now you have one more fast option to sneak in your week and step out of the boring repeated dishes. Enjoy yourselves! 
If you haven't already make sure to follow me on Instagram and tune in my Official Fitness Coaching Facebook Page to never miss a thing, as the content storm is real! Feel free to contact me for any recommendations or questions!


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Friday, 14 February 2020

Fitness: Workouts: DUMBBELL ROWS - Tips and WHY

Heya fellow gym rats <3 

🔥Dumbbell rows are a brilliant exercise to integrate in your routine:

✅They work a lot of muscles while targeting the back and based on the positioning of your body they can stimulate your glutes and hamstrings as well.
✅Besides the back, your biceps, arms and shoulders are involved in the rowing motion as well as your spinal erectors. Keep a tight steady grip, squeeze your back and engage your core for maximum tension.

Picture source: EvolutionFit - all rights reserved

✅The more muscle groups an exercise activates. the more caloric burn it requires and hence the better friend it is on your way to fatburn. Make sure to keep your abs tight and benefit out of it.
✅Furthermore, dumbbell rows allow you to progress on weight load relatively fast once you get used to the form, which means you will be able to train more muscles with heavier weight and increase your overall strength.
✅Last but not least, you can try a lot of smart alternatives such as incline dumbbell rows, dumbbell bent over or rows on plank position for extra oblique stimulus or even barbell rows in various angles. Chest supported dumbbell rows are also a powerful variation you can try, make sure to have a NEUTRAL spine (i frequently see people hyperextending without realizing - use your side mirrors to monitor your form) and keep your chest ON bench to support. 

Hope you found this article useful and got inspired to integrate single arm dumbbell rows in your routine. Aim for 8-15 reps, depending your weight load on 4-6 sets for proper stimulation. Make sure to follow me at @irina_lainen_arvoitus if you haven't already, to have access on new fitness content on a daily basis. Keep an eye on and come back soon! Happy and gainful new year ^_^


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Saturday, 1 February 2020

Fitness: Workouts: Advanced Lower Body Fat Burn Workout

Welcome back shredders!

Upon your requests after posting a small part of a total lower body FAT BURNING session on Instagram, here comes the full advanced workout exclusively for you! It combines compound and isolation exercises, bands and some bodyweight cardio and heavy abwork, hence it burns a ton of calories while stimulating your whole lower body and boosts your blood circulation (and metabolism) to the top. Bring your towel, get ready to feel the thermogenesis take place and prepare for some rock ass gains!

I began my routine with 25min of powerwalk (on my way to the gym) and dynamic stretching.

  • Stiff Leg Deadlifts 4 sets (8,10,12,10 reps)
  • Sumo Deadlifts 4 sets (10,12,10,8 reps)

  • Heavy Hip Thrusts (don't forget to squeeze those glutes on your way up and maintain a straight back) . 4x10reps

  • Banded Glute bridges (3x12). Extra tip, when you get up, keep the position and try to spread your knees 3 times for extra engangement, before you lower again your hips.

  • Single leg glute bridges (Positioning matters: put your weight on your heels to stimulate your glutes and hamstrings). 4x8reps/leg

  • Kettleball Plie Squats (MAKE SURE to align your knees to toes here and perform slowly and controlled) 3x10reps

  • Side lunges (keep your back straight): 3x8/side

  • Banded Side walks: 3 x 8steps/side

  • Plate glute focused back extensions: 3x10 . Note that you aim for glute and hamstring stimulation, therefore keep your legs straight and stiff, squeeze your glutes on your way up and do not hyperextend your lower back.

  • Box step ups: 2x8/leg Note that the taller the box is, the more challenging it will be. Watch out for knee to toe alignment.

  • Jumping Jacks: 2x25reps

  • Glute/Hammie focused Heavy Leg Press: 5sets (12,15,20,25,12).
Place your feet high on the place, keep your back attached to the back seat and push using your glutes. Weight focus should be put on your heels. Again check out your knee positioning before performing.

  • Leg extensions: Moderate weight, 3sets (12,10,8)

  • Leg curls: Moderate weight 3sets (10,12,10)

  • Burpees: 2x10reps

  • Diagonal and conventional Oblique Rotations. For each of two exercises find a challenging weight and perform 3x25/side. You see the movement direction on each marked with a red arrow.

  • Heavy abdominal curls: 4x25

  • Static stretch (and ideally foam rolling): 7min

  • Post workout walk back home: 25min

That's it for tonight guys! It was a 3h very challenging session. It's alright if you can not replicate it the way it is, you can always try lower weight and reducing the sets/reps to work your way up gradually. Thank you so much for your constant support and engangement as well as your requests for upcoming content. I've got your back and I'll keep posting frequently! Have a blissful and gainful day fellas, Catch up soon again.

Till next time, make sure to follow me on Instagram, as well as my Fresh Official Fitness Coaching Facebook Page to never miss a thing, on a daily basis.❤


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