Thursday 4 July 2019

Motivation: That daily friend in the mirror

Hello soulshines!

Long time no see as reality takes over hard but I always make time to at least update my Insta for whoever is interested in getting daily insights on my work and vibes.

Talking about daily things... what about that person you see in the mirror every day?

Is it a friend or not? Is it someone you love and feel proud of?

Every day take a second and ask that person in the mirror: 
✅ Do my actions bring me closer to who I want to be?
✅ Did I treat myself with love and respect today?
✅ Is the environment around promoting me to be my best version?
✅ Did I make time to appreciate every little thing and Express gratitude?
✅ Did I create memories which make me happy to be alive?

💥💥💥 For every question whose answer was NO, take 5 minutes to sit down, spend time with yourself and reprogram your mind and routine. Yourself is the greatest investment ever so don't skip regular check ups on your well being.❤ 

Life takes over and that is fine, that's why it is important to consciously gravitate back to your state of balance 💥💥💥

Be your biggest supporter, keep thriving and stay tuned here for more content coming soon!
 Keep in touch through social media (info below). 
Tons of positive vibes,


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Keywords: fitness fit wellness wellbeing healthy health coach lifestyle motivation inspiration courage positive vibes 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Pete for this kind feedback! I am very glad it kept your attention on wholeway through and you are absolutely right that information online is excessive and sometimes hard to follow :D I am priviledged to have visitors like you here :)
