Sunday 7 February 2021

Fitness: Your questions: to ISO or not to ISO?

 Hello warriors and welcome back to my blog!

Over the course of the years, i interact with athletes and clients who all discuss here and there about 'isolation' sets without knowing exactly what that serves. After some posts where i also mentioned isolation exercises, i got a few questions concerning the functionality of ISO workouts and some of you were wondering: 'to ISO or not?'

💥Let's talk about isolation tonight💥:

✅First of all, it is obvious that whatever goal you have, it is good to not leave certain parts untrained. Neglecting a particular muscle group all the time will progressively result into anatomical imbalances and that in turn will limit your performance and will make you more prone to injuries.

✅To isolate or not to isolate? That is a good question with A TON OF DEBATE in literature. Very briefly: compound exercises (which target multiple muscle groups to execute the movement), indeed provide multiple stimuli, however, they don't challenge equally all the involved muscles.

🔵To give a more practical example, people who do squats all the time but don't perform deadlifts (both exercises are compound) tend to have more dominant quads. Therefore, in an exercise that would normally engage your glutes a lot, the glutes won't get the maximum stimulation because simply the stronger quads will take over most of it.
🔵Although that might not be a problem for sports athletes (like football players, swimmers etc) in terms of performance, it acts totally different in terms of physique.
🔵Nowdays, most of the people who train, are not performance athletes. Most of them train for better overall health, to correct physical imbalances and in most cases to improve aesthetics.
🔵THAT'S WHERE ISOLATION kicks in. An amateur or intermediate person won't have much to benefit from isolation. If you've been around, grinding for a long time, chances are you fall into the "advanced" category. The aesthetics there are more challenging because when you have packed a large amount of muscle mass, it will not just give you that ripped physique you aim for, on its own.

✅Integrating isolation exercises into your workouts (of course with combined ones too) can aid hypertrophy in certain isolated muscles that are not targeted with conventional compound moves. That is the fix in "detail" to increase your definition in those areas and achieve body recomposition together with some fat loss. That's the basic principles behind classical 70's body building aesthetics, all natural and hard.

✅So it depends on your GOALS.

There you go! Now you know and you can act according to your goals and needs!😏 I am always very glad to address your questions and try to help, so please, keep your questions and requests coming. You can reach out through my social media information below! Take care and rock on✌.



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